Oren Chapter - Haifa
President: Jane Bouchard, 052-314 4596, janebouchard47@yahoo.com
Oren Chapter was founded in 1983 with Susan Rosenberg as Founding President. The Chapter currently has 90 members living in Haifa and around the North of Israel. Throughout the Corona period, it continued to function by holding monthly meetings with guest speakers via Zoom. In addition, weekly Zoom discussions provided much needed support for members. Currently we continue to use Zoom for presentations by guest lecturers, so that members around the North, or even overseas, can participate. Social gatherings are held mainly in members’ homes.
Oren holds ‘Seasonal Socials’ at local kosher restaurants. We pay for what we order and, in addition, make a small donation to a Hadassah-Israel project. Each month’s activities receive donations for ‘dedications’ to mark special events in our members’ lives.
The Annual Spring Supper, with its ‘pot luck’ meal, a Summer Sale, Israeli Dancing and Cookery ‘Demo’ events are also popular mini-fundraisers for H‑I national projects.
In 2006 we established a Women‑at‑Risk Café Siach group, which continued to meet weekly for 14 years until Covid struck – it was run jointly with Haifa Municipality Welfare Department. Sadly, it is not currently functioning owing to a lack of new, younger volunteers.
OREN is currently seeking ‘THE NEXT GENERATION’ to enable active volunteering once more in community‑based projects.
Read the Oren Update