Yakinton Chapter - Jerusalem


President: Rachel Ron, 052-8625304, rachel.ron@hotufi.net 


The Yakinton chapter was founded in 1991 and has about 30 members.

The chapter members meet regularly once a month. At these meetings, there is always a talk by various lecturers on a range of subjects. 

 yakinton 11 2021 meet1  yakinton 11 2021 meet2
  Meeting of the Yakinton Chapter at the Inbal Hotel.
Lecture on Jewish Women in Brazil by Debbie Yachimovich from the Hebrew University.




Members volunteer in the library of the Pediatrics Department at Hadassah Ein Karem

Members volunteer for various activities for Da'at at Yad Sarah

Members are starting to volunteer in a project to assist Holocaust survivors in cooperation with the Welfare Department of the Jerusalem Municipality.

A chapter initiative: The women of the chapter, headed by Dina Kozak, a member of Yakinton, have created a games club that teaches games to mothers and children. The women volunteers will learn the children's games. The club will be held in a community garden or community center.