Levonah Chapter - Modiin
President: Zenia Cohen- 054-305-9173, zeniacohen@
Levonah Chapter, formed in 2010, is an English Speaking Chapter, which has grown to over 200 women, ranging in age from infant (life members)- 96.
Facebook: Hadassah-Israel Levonah Chapter
Social, Educational and Inspirational Activities
We hold a variety of interesting monthly programs. In the past year we have had a book review, a Purim Shuir, a game night and ice cream social, a trip to the Etzel Museum in Tel Aviv, a Rosh Hashanah Shuir, a trip to an Air Force Base near Beersheva, with lunch and a tour at a Kibbutz, and a special informative program about navigating the Health Care System in Israel.
We also celebrated our Bat Mitzvah as a Chapter with a special brunch at a restaurant, when we also honored our Past Presidents, Rose Scharlat and Ellen Shemesh.
Our Chapter served as the Host Chapter at the inspirational National Conference in March where the theme was “Overcoming Life’s Challenges.”
Many of our members also participated in the very informative Mediscope program at Hadassah Ein Kerem in September.
We had our Annual Community-Wide Yom HaShoah Program, which we partnered with ESRA for in April.
We have a Torah study group that meets every Wednesday morning on Zoom, led by our dynamic leader, Ronda Israel.
A big focus for our Chapter is to raise funds for the Hospital.
This past year we had:
Our very successful Annual Auction
Our Amazing Annual Concert, featuring Sandy Cohen and Yochanan deGraff on piano, and Jeff Shron doing vocals,
A Grease Sing-A-Long
Upcoming Fundraising Events for 2023
Save the dates:
Arts and Crafts Show, Thursday, March 9th
Annual Concert, Thursday, June 1st
Annual Auction, Thursday, November 16th
Sarelle Weiner chairs our Bikur Cholim Committee to cook for those members who are Ill or have had a loss.
We collect old eyeglasses that are used by the Vision Clinic at Hadassah Hospital, and also collect travel size personal care items for the hospital to distribute to patients.
Our Chapter members also donate large amounts of art and school supplies, and puzzles and games to the Hadassah Hospital Schools for young patients.
Our members are meeting lovely people from all over the world and making new friends. We welcome new members! Join us!
Sue Hausdorff receiving the Sarah Imeinu Award Ronda Israel receiving the Woman of the Year Award Shoshana Axler receiving the Eshet Chayil Award |
Our table of treats at Levonah’s Installation of officers for 2023 |