Visit to Neurim Village - All Chapter Members Invited

All Hadassah-Israel members are invited to a festive visit at the Youth Village Hadassah Neurim, just north of Netanya. The visit will take place Monday, June 17, 2024 at
10 AM. During our visit, we will enjoy a meeting with the director of the village, who will address us and talk about the activities and goals of the Village, and we will meet youngsters living and learning at Hadassah Neurim.


  • Arrivals, coffee and sandwich in the dining room of Hadassah-Neurim
  • Move to the Auditorium (Heichal Hatarbut). The auditorium is 5 minutes walk from the dining room. We will provide transport for those who need.
  • Greeting by Rivkah Cooper, Hadassah-Israel President.
  • Greetings and presentation of the Village by the Hadassah Neurim Director, Ami Magen.
  • Meeting with some of the village students.
  • Esther Serok will introduce the Eshet Chayil program, for young immigrant girls at the Youth Villages, a project that Hadassah-Israel is supporting.
  • Musical presentation.
  • Conclusion approx. 2 PM

Please RSVP to your chapter President no later than June 6, 2024 or by email to the Office

Event Properties

Event Date 17-06-2024 9:00 am
Event End Date 17-06-2024 2:00 pm
Individual Price Free
Location Neurim Youth Village
Attachment Invitation to Neruim 2024 Hebrew1.jpg
Invitation to Neurim 2024 English1.jpg